Entrepreneurs take on the crisis
What happens in a situation like this when you are running a business like I am? This might be long..
During the first week, you lose 50% of your annual business you scale down your costs and start making predictions on when it will all be over. You come up with a plan on how to stay afloat and then again how to start with full power as soon as you can. You talk with your Team and wait to see if the government will be there for you and for them. Then you see that you are alone when it comes to the government, but not alone when it comes to your Team.
Firstly you naturally run out of money, but to your surprise you don’t run out of hope – at all. Most importantly you realize that you are surrounded by amazing group of people. They are your workers, playing members, your family, your friends and customers that have become your friends. It’s a bit soft to say for me, but I like that part.
Facts are facts though. There is nothing you can sell, nothing you can produce and nothing you can ask most of your workers to do. You need to innovate, stay on top of things and come up with ways how to “Finance The Corona.” Then I realized it. If I can’t sell “today”, just maybe I could sell “tomorrow”. Just maybe some of those people would be ready to bet on us and buy the experience we are selling for the last 10 years with a twist of course – by buying it now.
We will be launching these products shortly and if you are one of those people who believe in Sand Valley and our Team, keep your eyes open – there are some deals coming your way!
Antti Pohjonen, CEO Sand Valley Golf Resort