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Golf & Cars 2017 Tournament

We invite you to the second, bigger edition of Golf & Cars 2017 this Saturday, June 17, at the Sand Valley Golf Resort. The event is absolutely unique, because it is not only the golf tournament but also a car event prepared for all automotive and golf enthusiasts.

We play in the following categories:

Stroke Play Gross, I place men
Stroke Play Gross, I place women

Stableford net 0-18 HCP, places I II III men and women
Stableford net 18.1-36 HCP, place I II III men and women

Additional contests, both for men and women:
Closest to the Pin # 10
Longest Drive # 11

Start -> 10:00 shotgun

Tournament fee:

125 zł Club Members SVGC
250 zł Other guests

In price:
Tournament awards, including the WRC ride
Tournament catering, we will test for the first time our new purchase

Snack bar on the golf course
Two beer for each competitor after the tournament from Tyskie

Registration until June 16th. 12:00 on the PZGwebsite or by phone +48 667470024

the test drive with the latest Audi models (Saturday-Sunday)

Golf academy for beginners (Sunday)
Show of tuning cars and competitions (Saturday)
After party (DJ) (Saturday)
Collector car show (Sunday)
WRC special episode Szymon Ruta Rally Team (Sunday)

Tournament Partners:
Audi Rowiński-Wajdemajer

11th edition of Dr Irena Eris Ladies’ Golf Cup

Two rounds of golf on the Sand Valley golf course, good weather and plenty of fun – the eleventh edition of the Dr Irena Eris Ladies’ Golf Cup is now a history. Edition, like other ten, unique. Also thanks to Dominik Gradecka, the winner of the competition, which proved that the spirit of sports competition and smile can be combined – a national team player, a Florida university student, and above all, a talented golfer take the lead already in the first round and won the “most female tournament” in Poland with a score +3.

At the official awards ceremony at the Dr Irena Eris SPA Hotel in Wzgórza Dylewskie, were also winners of the stableford net of 3/4 hcp in 4 handicap groups and winners of the special prizes sponsored by tournament partners, like Deutsche Bank, Yes, Chervo, Audi Rowiński Wajdemajer, Garden Space, Geberit, Gucci and GH Mumm Champagne.

One of them was Małgorzata Yusufali, who in a sensational style won in the G.H. Mumm Champagne Nearest to the Pin on hole # 10, sending the ball to a distance of 3.7 m from the flag.

All the awardees congratulated Dr Irena Eris, the originator of the tournament, who highlighted the unique atmosphere of this event, unmatched by any other.

Dear Ladies, see you next year!

Limitations on availability of the tee times 05-06.06.17

Attention! Golfers who are interested in playing Sand Valley on 05-06.06 are kindly requested to book a tee time from 16:00 at the club reception tel: +48 55 248 24 00. Short golf course and the driving range is available to play whole day.

The biggest international women’s tournament in Poland Dr Irena Eris Ladies Golf Cup is just starting on the Sand Valley Golf Resort.
The First Players will appear at the start at 09:30 (from the first and tenth tee). Last flight starts at 11:31.
Attention! Golfers who are interested in playing Sand Valley on 05-06.06 are kindly requested to book a tee time from 16:00 at the club reception tel: +48 55 248 24 00. Short golf course and the driving range is available to play whole day.

Dr Irena Eris Ladies Golf Cup is held under the Polish Golf Association and it is a First Category tournament. Two days of tournament is not only a sporting competition, but also an opportunity to visit the SPA Hotel Dr Irena Eris Wzgórza Dylewskie and Cosmetic Institute Dr Irena Eris.
The main prize for the winner is funded by Deutsche Bank, and thanks to champagne GH Mumm, in a special competition, participants will be able to win a special, unique and unavailable bottle of champagne in Poland. On the second day you will be able to take advantage of the latest Audi models from Audi Rovinski Wajdemajer. The new partner of the tournament is GUCCI – the Swiss watch manufacturer. For more information visit

The golf course is open

Dear Golfers,

the weather is nice, so from tomorrow the golf course is OPEN.

Open daily from 10:00.

For more information – please call the reception +48 55 248 24 00 – we will answer any question from 10:00 to 16:00 or send the e-mail to

Season 2017 is ON!  See you @Sand Valley 🙂

Sand Valley Team

Ladies Links 2017 Offer

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Heikki Kovalainen Open 2016

From all the team at Sand Valley we would like to thank all who took part in this years Heikki Kovalainen Open. A special mention for our partners who took part and helped us make this years event a great success.

Club Med, Ballantine’s Whisky, Autohouse, Valentini, Pierre Lang and ARBONNE

And also the kind people who donated to this years auction and the especially the buyers who’s generosity will help the children of the Marwica children’s home. This year we managed to raise almost 50000 PLN

As Heikki said “It was an honour to be organising this tournament especially because of the successful charity auction in collecting money for the young ones who really need our help and support”.

Thank you Heikki &  congratulations to the winners and see you all next year.

The list of winners:

Champion strokeplay gross:
Hujanen Seppo

Stableford netto Ladies:
1. Lyubinskaya Anna
2. Brandt Wiesława
3. Stankiewicz Justyna

Stableford netto Men 0-18 HCP:
1. Pełka Mariusz
2. Ścisk Michał
3. Olofsson Jonas

Stableford netto Men 18.1-36 HCP:
1. Gringmann Krzysztof
2. Kęcik Mirosław
3. Ciecióra Marek

Closest to the pin Ladies:
Tuula Pohjonen

Closest to the pin Men:
Liljeros Jan

Longest Drive Ladies
Vuorio Marita

Longest Drive Men
Hujonen Seppo

Club Med as Putt in One prize sponsor


We are proud to announce that the sponsor of this years Putt in One which will take place Heikki Kovalainen Open 2016 is Club Med. This year You can win 7 day trip to La Plantation d’Albion Club Med on Mauritius for 2 people. If none of competitors manages to win the prize You can still try to get it on our charity auction.

Heikki Kovalainen Open 2016

Sand Valley is changing

Sand Valley is changing because of your needs and expectations. First step in our transformation is this web page.

Sand Valley is changing because of your needs and expectations. Golf & Country Club is part of our history – We are now a Resort with just few weeks to launching our amazing new Clubhouse and restaurant. First step in our transformation is this web page and our new logo – thanks to Bartek at We really hope this page helps you to enjoy your leisure time at Sand Valley Golf Resort – Change has started!


Sand Valley Golf Resort Partners